Wednesday, July 21, 2010

U Txt?

We talk here a lot about how best to utilize social media and technology to communicate with current and (hopefully) future patrons and supporters of the Nashville Symphony. We've had our Facebook and Twitter presence for a few years and have used these media to engage our public with a good deal of success. This blog is yet another avenue in our non-traditional (for orchestras at least) communications effort. I wanted to share a few other ideas that have been floating around here, and would love to hear what you think.

A mobile-friendly version of our website - This is one project on my shortlist, and while it has some significant technical hurdles to jump, the benefits are obvious.

An iPhone, Blackberry or Android app - I love the idea of a specific app for the iPhone, which constitutes almost 30% (and growing) of all smart phone ownership. Android phones are also on the rise, and Blackberrys are here-to-stay; we could potentially develop specific apps for these platforms too. Besides informational and ticket purchasing functionality, these apps could one day allow us to present Nashville Symphony audio and video to our fans in an easy-to-consume fashion.

Text messaging - As an opt-in, respectfully used way of communicating emergency concert information (cancellations, major traffic issues, etc...) or even last-minute deals, I feel many patrons might prefer to get small bursts of info from us via text. What do you think?

Would you like/use any of these services if offered by the NSO? Are you reading this blog on your smart phone right now? Do you communicate with other businesses via text?


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  1. Personally, I'd love to see an Android/iPhone App. I'm actually surprised at how many times I spontaneously decide to go see an NSO concert the same day as the concert. So, an app that has the season schedule, an easy way to buy tickets from the app, and perhaps the blog would be a great way to take the NSO "on the go" :). With an app, the interface could be very streamlined and simple, whereas mobile versions of websites can sometimes get bogged down with navigation issues.


  2. mobile friendly for sure!

  3. I would personally use an NSO app on my Motorolla Droid. I presently use a couple different music-streaming widgets but would love one featuring my favorite symphony orchestra. A mobile-friendly website would make searching the schedule and purchasing tickets easier.

  4. Don't forget about Palm phones as well. I have a Palm Pre! Palm does have development tools to "port" apps to their platform. So many iPhone developers have ported their apps to work on Palm phones.


Administrative and Box Office address: Schermerhorn Symphony Center, One Symphony Place, Nashville, TN 37201-2031
General Phone Number: 615.687.6500 | Box Office Phone Numbers: General Orders: 615.687.6400 | Season Ticket Holder Phone: 615.687.6401
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